Process Flow
Export Development Fund (EDF), is an autonomous organization constituted under the Export Development Fund Act, 1999 which aims to strengthen and develop infrastructure for promotion of exports. The Act allows to fund any activity which is relevant for promotion for exports and hence the scope of EDF financing includes but is not limited to establishment of training institutes & association’s offices, display centers, subsidizing of delegations & sales missions, participation in exhibitions abroad, research, market & product development, engagement of consultants etc.
The Fund is currently operating on proposal-based financing in which an organization (usually an association or chamber or institute or government entity) submits a project proposal which includes activities leading to strengthening and promotion of exports. There is no financial cap on the proposals. The Executive Committee of the Board is authorized to approve funding up to Rs. 10 million per proposal while approval above this limit are presented to the Board/Finance Committee.
A step by step guide to proposal financing workflow is presented below.

Steps Guide To Proposal Financing Workflow