Notification for Proposal Submission
Export Development Fund (EDF)
It is my pleasure to apprise you that Export Development Fund (EDF), is an organization headed by a Board, constituted under the Export Development Fund Act, 1999, which aims to strengthen and develop infrastructure for promotion of exports.
The Act allows to fund any activity which is relevant for promotion for exports and hence the scope of EDF financing includes but is not limited to establishment of training institutes, display centers, subsidizing of delegations & sales missions, participation in exhibitions abroad, research, market & product development, engagement of consultants etc.
The Fund is currently operating on proposal-based financing in which an organization (usually an association or chamber or institute or government entity) submits a project proposal which includes activities leading to strengthening and promotion of exports. As a first step, the proposer is required to submit a detailed project proposal on EDF prescribed form (EDF Form-I) complete in all respect to EDF.
Copy of Export Development Fund Act 1999, application form(s) as well as step-wise process for submitting proposals is available at In case you are interested to utilize these funds for export development in the current year, apply as soon as possible. In case you are interested to get funds for activities during financial year i.e. July-2022 to June-2023, you are requested submit the proposal by 31st December, 2022.
The expenditure from the Fund as per the EDF Act, 1999 is required to be done according to the merits and feasibility of projects sponsored and export promotion needs of the exporters, trade promotion offices and trade bodies.
In case of any query, please feel free to contact EDF.
Looking forward.
(Executive Director)